EPO President visits Türkiye

28.04.2023_EPO President visits Türkiye
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From left to right: EPO President António Campinos and Mr. Koyuncu, Rector of Istanbul Technical University

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Last week, President Campinos was in Türkiye to sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on the Pan-European Seal Young Professionals programme with the Istanbul Technical University (ITU), as well as participate in the inventors’ award ceremony in the framework of the Istanbul International Inventions Fair 2023 (ISIF’23). The visit also included bilateral cooperation discussions with the President of the Turkish Patent and Trademark Office (Türkpatent). 

Visit to Istanbul Technical University

On 28 April, António Campinos met with the Rector of ITU, and discussed how to strengthen IP education and foster a more efficient transfer of research outcomes to the market. Later, together with the President of Türkpatent they acknowledged the achievements of university inventors and their pioneering spirit during the ceremony for the Patentle Türkiye 3rd Universities Patent Competition. The awards celebrate young inventors in all their diversity, shining light on game-changing innovations from female and male talent across Türkiye.

An MoU between the European Patent Office and Istanbul Technical University was signed to mark a new chapter of enhanced collaboration in the framework of the Pan-European Seal Young Professionals Programme (PES). The number of partner universities has almost tripled in recent years – from 44 network members in 2019 to some 120 today.

The EPO’s Pan-European Seal Young Professionals programme enables over 100 recent graduates to develop their IP knowledge and gain work experience at the EPO. The EPO has also set out to develop training programmes catered to university students and researchers. The EPO’s Modular IP Education Framework is in place to ensure that graduates are equipped with a solid understanding of IP, tech transfer, and commercialisation through self-paced modules and tutored sessions.

During his keynote speech, António Campinos placed emphasis on the increasing need to switch young minds on to the world of technology, innovation and intellectual property, and how universities are crucial hubs in spreading awareness of the benefits of patents: “This MoU will mark a crucial step towards a shared commitment to invest in the future. And investing in the future starts with young people. Because when you empower a young person, you empower a future”.

Istanbul International Inventions Fair (ISIF’23) / Teknofest

The eighth edition of the ISIF, together with the technology and aviation festival, Teknofest was organised by a range of organisations including Türkpatent. The fair brings together international stakeholders to showcase technology, R&D and innovation activities.

During his visit to the fair on 29 April, EPO President António Campinos delivered a keynote speech during an award ceremony for inventors: “It takes drive, resilience, and dedication for these breakthroughs to move from minds to markets. Characteristics that are coded into the DNA of every researcher and inventor”.

The event also provided President Campinos with the opportunity to outline the role patents play in spurring economic and sustainable growth, the imminent launch of the Unitary Patent, and the benefits it will bring to SMEs. Campinos was joined on stage by Mr. Mehmet Fatih Kacir, Deputy Minister of Industry and Technology, as well as Mr Cemil Başpinar, President of Türkpatent.

Further information

Info on the Pan-European Seal Young Professionals Programme