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"Mosaic" by Paule Gilis


For the original French version, use the language switch in the header of the website.

Once upon a time 

A king  


Down there 

In a strange land 

Where differences  


Formed a vast garden  

Overflowing with life  

With ideas, colours, words, 

A mosaic 

Of benevolent silence 

Nothing and no one 

Was the same 

Nor really different 

For everything came together 

In a unique puzzle 

Of fragments of harmonies 


One day the king  


Woke up 

In a thousand pieces 

On the other side of the mirror 

And thought 

Let’s include inclusion in our way 

To shape the world  

Let’s create  

Without pencils 

The rays of the sun 

A machine full of ideas 

A new impetus 

A possibility for all 

A unique logical invention  

Unclassifiable innovative moving 

A device to 

Recognize and tell  


Integrate them 

In our galaxy 

Of superheroines 

Of all kinds 


No weak links 

A generous yogi 

To sublimate souls 

A beneficent friend 

On whose shoulder 

To lean on 

A benevolent machine 

That would read 

The darkest thoughts 

And transform them 

Into positive 



A kaleidoscope 

A painting  

An amphora 

A rainbow 

A way of working 

Moving forward together 

Further and further 

To reach 

The heights 

You lend me your eyes  

I offer you my arm 

To guide you 

My legs carry you 

Far away 

Your hand writes for me 

A refrain 


The machine 

Bursts with 

Ingenious ideas

You take out  

What you need 

A helping hand 

A drawing 

A swarm 

Of dilligent bees  

To make the earth turn 

One morning 

We open our eyes 


On our superpowers 

With endless possibilities 

In our hands 


Once upon a time there was a king 

Look at me 

The king is you 

The machine 

Is all of us 

It’s life 

Its engine 

Our ideas 

The invention of the century 

Let’s help 

Each other 

Because here, there, everywhere 

We are all 

After all 
