Council Secretariat
The Council Secretariat is the official secretariat of the Administrative Council of the European Patent Organisation. It is placed at the disposal of the Administrative Council to enable it to carry out its duties. The secretariat is responsible for organising and co-ordinating all meetings of the Administrative Council and its bodies. This includes preparing and distributing the documents, assisting the Chair, drawing up the agendas and writing the minutes.
Most documents that are produced for the meetings of the Administrative Council and its bodies are submitted by the President of the European Patent Office. The Council Secretariat is therefore also the link between the Chair of the Administrative Council and the President of the European Patent Office.
In addition to the above, the Council Secretariat is also in charge of the organisation of Diplomatic Conferences and furthermore acts as secretariat to the Board of Auditors.
Ms Valentine Renault-Martin is the Head of the Council Secretariat and currently manages a team of nine staff members.
D-80298 München
+49-89 / 2399 - 1101