Attila Csörgö

Occurrence Graph Triangle Event, 1998
Lamp, fibreglass, celluloid, electric motor, spinning components
35 x 57 x 20 cm

The work of Attila Csörgő (*1965 Budapest, HU) combines art and science. As an exponent of the kinetic art movement, his works are rooted in the principles of mechanics and physics. Like Nicolas Schöffer (*1912 Kalocsa, HU; †1992 Paris, FR) and Rolf Lieberknecht (*1947 Mettmann, DE) his endeavours are concerned with taking visual, intangible phenomena and presenting them to the viewer as a haptic, tangible experience. The physical element of time is a theme that occurs again and again in the art of Csörgő and is represented by movement and change. Csörgő uses technology from everyday life - a record player or simple pulley - to visualise physical principles. While basing his art on the field of science used in highly advanced technology, the objects Csörgő builds involve almost primitive mechanical devices, and thereby create a deliberate juxtaposition between scientific ambition and execution. In this way he demonstrates how complex physical phenomena may be experienced with simple means. In the Occurrence Graph series, Csörgő engages with the phenomenon of light. Like Nicolas Schöffer, he takes simple base materials and develops tools to create dynamic, constructive artworks from intangible substances such as space, light and time. 

© VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn