Beat Zoderer

FARBORGEL 2004, 2005
Perspex, colour foil, stainless steel, lamps
three parts, each 300 x 285 x 98 cm

FARBORGEL [Coloured Organ] 2004 is a large and brightly coloured light installation designed by Beat Zoderer (*1955 Zurich, CH) for the Bayerstraße cafeteria and consists of a surface divided into three parts on which panels lit from behind are mounted to form a relief-like sculpture. Vertical stripes combine to form a strongly colourful overall composition. The work lends a pleasant atmosphere of subdued lighting to the interior space and is clearly visible from the street through the glass facade of the building. Zoderer likes to work with different expectations, and different reference and value systems. His decorative piece thus creates a link between the artistic and the functional space through its location and the artist's use of muted lighting to evoke the relaxed atmosphere of a bar or lounge. In terms of form, this piece is allied to the wall paintings of John Armleder or Phillippe Decrauzat, who have both produced commissions for another EPO building in Munich (PschorrHöfe, Grasserstraße 9).

Farb Orgel

FARBORGEL 2004, 2005
Perspex, colour foil, stainless steel, lamps
three parts, each 300 x 285 x 98 cm


© VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn