Jorinde Voigt

Interkontinental II, 2010
Marker, pencil, paper
100 x 200 cm

The work of Jorinde Voigt (*1977 Frankfurt am Main, DE) often features large-scale drawings that explore the interface between scientific statistics and personal everyday realities. What results is a reference system comprising text, numbers and lines that visualise the anatomy of a kiss, an eagle in flight or a piece of music. In the print that now belongs to the EPO collection, Voigt uses this unique approach to visualise the phenomenon of an arc of light (= artificial flash of light). An arc of light occurs when two energised carbon rods are briefly brought into contact and then separated: a gas discharge occurs and is manifest in an arc of light between the two rods. This phenomenon was used for the first electric lamps back in the early nineteenth century. In this light drawing Voigt depicts the phenomenon as a snapshot, like a photo capturing a flight path, the trajectory of a projectile or a flying spark.

Lichtbogen - Quadrat Umkehrung, 2007 [Arc of Light - Square reversal] Lambda opal film, Perspex, dibond aluminium 120 x 120 cm (c) VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn
Lichtbogen - Quadrat Umkehrung, 2007
[Arc of Light - Square reversal]
Lambda opal film, Perspex, dibond aluminium
120 x 120 cm

© VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn