EPO initiatives for patent applicants

The EPO offers several schemes aimed at supporting the growth and development of smaller and less experienced entities by making it easier for them to access the European patent system. Explore the programmes below to see if you qualify so that you can leverage patents to empower your innovation journey.

1. 30% language-related reduction of filing and/or examination fees

Rule 7a(1) EPC  provides for a 30% reduction of the filing and/or examination fees for applicants who are nationals or residents of an EPC Contracting State in which English, French or German is not the official language, provided they file the European patent application and/or the request for examination in the admissible non-EPO language of that Contracting State. In addition, to be entitled to the 30% reduction of the filing and examination fee, they must declare themselves to be a: 

  • microenterprise 
  • small and medium-sized enterprise (SME) 
  • natural person
  • non-profit organisation, university or public research organisation.

Our European Patent Guide specifies the language arrangements to assist applicants from certain contracting states. See also our FAQs.

2. 30% micro-entity fee reduction for all main fees in the patent grant procedure

Under Rule 7a(3) EPC, the following groups will benefit from a 30% fee reduction for all main fees in the patent grant procedure, provided they have filed fewer than five EP or Euro-PCT applications in the last five years and they have declared themselves to be a: 

  • microenterprise
  • natural person
  • non-profit organisation, university or public research organisation.

If there are multiple applicants, each one must fulfil the applicable eligibility criteria in order to be entitled to the fee reductions under Rule 7a(3) EPC.

The reductions under Rule 7a (3) EPC apply to all applicants fulfilling the requirements regardless of their home country. See the notice from the European Patent Office dated 25 January 2024 concerning fee-related support measures for small entities (OJ EPO 2024, A8). See also our FAQs.

An applicant may be eligible for fee reductions under both points 1 and 2; in that case, they are calculated sequentially. 

3. Lump sum compensation for Unitary Patent-related translation costs

SMEs in the EPO's 39 Member States who filed their patent application in a language other than English, French or German are eligible to receive compensation for translation costs if they request unitary effect after grant, provided, of course, that they have their residence or principal place of business in an EU member state. 

4. Post-grant fee reductions for Unitary Patent proprietors

Unitary Patent proprietors can benefit from many advantages with regard to fees (Unitary Patent | By stating that they are willing to license their patented invention (licence of right), they can additionally benefit from a 15% reduction in renewal fees that fall due subsequently.

5. Reduced appeal fee

Small and medium-sized enterprises, natural persons or non-profit organisations, universities or public research organisations need only pay a reduced appeal fee rather than the full fee. The notice from the EPO dated 18 December 2017 (OJ 2018, A5) contains further details on claiming entitlement to the reduced appeal fee.