Patenting semiconductor technologies
The patenting seminars on patenting semiconductor technologies consist of three seminars:
- September: the first seminar is on patenting topics of general interest: classification (CPC), assessing inventive step, key decisions of the Boards of Appeal.
- October: the second seminar will focus on design aspects: assembling, packaging, power management and technologies supporting intense memory operations.
- November: the third seminar will discuss patent applications related to the material underlying the semiconductors technologies: graphene and related two-dimensional (2-D) materials, integration of 2-D materials with silicon technology and compound semiconductors made of chemicals.
This training activity is planned in Q3-Q4. Exact dates and details to be announced.
Organised by
European Patent Academy
Organised by
European Patent Academy
Course prerequisites
The first session of each seminar is open to patent examiners and patent attorneys, while the second is reserved for patent examiners only.
The patenting seminars comprise short technical online courses about one specific aspect of substantive examination or search. Each includes up to three complementary seminars, and comprises two online sessions: a theoretical session followed by a practical one. The two sessions are usually about one week apart.
Registration is open for the complete series or for individual seminars.