Computer-implemented inventions (CIIs)
This course addresses the following topics:
- assessing the patentability of CIIs
- the technical effect of a claim feature
- the method for assessing inventive step of CIIs
- business methods: patentability and inventive step
Participants will have access to self-learning modules and resources. Every two weeks, online two-hour tutored sessions are scheduled to answer questions that participants may have and to illustrate the main concepts studied with examples. Four online sessions (morning/afternoon) are organised, one for each of the topics listed above.
Following the self-learning phase and before each online session, participants must take a quiz to assess their learning progress.
This training activity is planned in Q2. Exact dates and details to be announced.
Organised by
European Patent Academy
Organised by
European Patent Academy
Course prerequisites
This training activity is open to staff of national patent offices only.