IP strategies for universities
Universities create and disseminate knowledge; they are both producers and users of content protected by a variety of IP regimes, from research publications and results to specific patents and other IP assets. They need clear strategies for managing their IP assets to see how they can best provide value to the economy, society and the university itself. This goes beyond setting rules for commercialising patents and creating spin-offs, to identifying academic policies to deal with IP outcomes created by researchers and students, and drafting specific contractual clauses and agreements. The seminar does not intend to provide a one-size-fits-all solution, but rather to help university managers identify the key issues when setting a strategic framework to manage their IP.
This training activity is planned in Q4. Exact dates to be announced.
Organised by
European Patent Academy
Organised by
European Patent Academy
Course prerequisites
The seminar is aimed mainly at university, academic and research managers.