Developers invited to submit CodeFest 2024 proposals by 8 August

Code Fest written on blue circuit board

The EPO has launched its second public edition of CodeFest, a challenge for code developers that encourages them to find new and creative ways of leveraging EPO patent data. Submit your proposal today or share this opportunity with someone who may be interested in it!

The EPO has launched its second public edition of CodeFest, a challenge for code developers that encourages them to find new and creative ways of leveraging EPO patent data.

This year’s challenge focuses on the power of generative AI to transform how people access, use and understand patent data. The two-step selection process offers the chance to win one of three attractive cash prizes, the largest being EUR 20 000.

To help participants develop a unique concept that helps inventors easily and effectively identify the patent information they need to drive innovation, they’ll be given access to the world’s largest collection of patent data and the newly created Technology Intelligence Platform.

Submit your proposal today or share this opportunity with someone who may be interested in it!

How patent data and generative AI accelerate the innovation process

The EPO’s unparalleled data resources are relied upon by inventors as well as governmental and international organisations around the world.

Democratising the access and use of this information – by making that data not only accessible, but navigable, understandable and insightful – is key to a sustainable patent system and society.

Generative AI will be a powerful tool in revolutionising the access and use of patent data, enhancing its utility and maximising user impact and data-driven decision making so that the advancement of new technologies can be further accelerated.

Who can participate?

Data enthusiasts and developers aged 18 and above are invited to participate. CodeFest is open to individuals and teams of up to five members from EPO member states. Teams made up of EPO staff, external entrants or a mixture of both are all welcome! 

How to participate

To take part in Codefest, submit your proposal by 8 August. Entries can take one of several approaches, and you are encouraged to consider how your proposed application can benefit users. For examples of the types of solutions which could be created, please refer to the official CodeFest page.

Your submission should include: 

  • The completed form with your personal information. Please note that all team members must register individually and indicate if they are part of a team.
  • An outline of your proposal for solving the coding challenge. Proposals must include an explanation of your suggested approach and indicate the data selection you intend to use, possible model implementation and model evaluation.

What is the selection process?

A panel of senior specialists from areas across the EPO will evaluate the submissions. The jury will assess the entries based on innovation, feasibility, impact and technical excellence.

  • 23 August: The jury will inform participants if they have advanced to the second round of the competition.
  • 23 October: Deadline for participants to submit their code.
  • 18 November: Announcement of the finalists.
  • First week of December: Winners are announced during Patent Knowledge Forum and receive their prizes during a virtual ceremony.

What are the prizes?

Grand prize winner: EUR 20 000
First runner-up: EUR 10 000
Second runner-up: EUR 5 000

Don't miss out on this opportunity to make a difference with your data science skills and contribute towards a more sustainable future and patent system! And if you aren't a coder or can't take part in CodeFest, make sure to share this opportunity and help spread the word!