European Patent Academy training catalogue

The European Patent Academy’s new training catalogue for 2025 offers an extensive range of learning opportunities designed to empower NPOs and stakeholders in the IP ecosystem.

The EPO is pleased to announce the publication of the European Patent Academy's Training Catalogue for 2025. By promoting the dissemination of knowledge among patent professionals and users, education helps improve access to the patent system, including for underrepresented groups.

Designed to meet the diverse needs of patent professionals worldwide, the catalogue offers a wide range of online tutored activities, open courses for self-paced learning, as well as enhanced e-learning methodologies. It is structured around four key areas that follow the patent and innovation cycle: patent granting, patent information, technology transfer and patent litigation.

A wealth of technical and legal knowledge

The programme reflects the diversity of technical and legal knowledge that drives the EPO's work. It primarily addresses the training needs of national patent offices (NPOs), patent attorneys and other stakeholders, including SMEs, startups and universities. Topics covered range from the basics of patents and the patent granting process to IP strategies and the latest institutional developments.

Notable highlights for 2025 include training on the Unitary Patent package, the challenges and opportunities of quantum computing and artificial intelligence, the ANSERA-based Search tool and the use of EPO patent data tools for both research and business purposes.

Contributing to the UN Sustainable Development Goals, strengthening technology transfer

The catalogue is the result of collaboration with national patent offices, judges, lawyers, universities and business, underpinned by valuable contributions from EPO patent examiners and experts. We would like to thank everyone involved in its preparation and all those who will contribute to its implementation in 2025.

With the wide range of courses offered by the Academy, the EPO is contributing to the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals, particularly SDG 4 (quality education), and responding directly to the call to strengthen Europe's capacity for technology transfer.