New podcast series on the reformed EQE

The first episode of a four-part podcast series on the reformed European Qualifying Examination (EQE) has been published. The series offers candidates insight into the motives and benefits of the exam’s new approach, as well as useful advice. Episodes will be released every two weeks on Tuesday, so be sure to subscribe to the EPO’s Talk Innovation: patent professional edition podcast on your platform of choice.
What you’ll learn in this new podcast series
With the reformed EQE, the European Patent Office (EPO) is transforming the way patent practitioners are trained and tested. The exam’s redesigned format based on flexibility, modularity and progressiveness gives candidates the chance to demonstrate their legal knowledge and skills to prepare them for the real-world challenges they’ll face throughout their careers.
The podcast series features a variety of guests, which include EPO staff, external experts involved in the reform and a candidate who has recently taken the EQE. In each episode, they offer context for the new approach and share information to help candidates successfully prepare. They also discuss the essentials of papers F and introduce the formal requirement and practicalities which candidates need to comply with.
More EQE resources for future candidates
In addition to receiving expert advice from those involved in EQE reform and past candidates through the podcast, those who are interested in sitting the EQE can also register for the Patent Academy’s online course on paper F and take advantage of additional training resources such as paper F brain teasers and Daily D questions. An EQE guide for preparation has also been published. EQE 2025 enrolment is open until 23 September and can be done through the European Qualification and Certification Portal.