Monitoring services in the European Patent Register
Register Alert and Global Dossier Email Alert
The European Patent Register is the most complete and up-to-date source of publicly available procedural information on European patent applications as they pass through each stage of the EPO granting process and on European patents with unitary effect.
Did you know that this free internet service comes with different alert and monitoring functions?
Register Alert
The Register Alert service lets you monitor changes to published EP and Euro-PCT applications and European patents with unitary effect. When you set up a Register Alert account, you can opt to receive an email every time a change to one of your selected files triggers a Register event.
A list of the events that trigger an alert is available on the EPO website (links at the end of the article)
To make use of this service, you need to set an account from the Register view via Register Alert login.
Fig. 1: Subscribe to Register Alert service EP/Euro PCT applications
Once logged in, you will see additional features in the Register Search results view which will enable you to add and delete files from your list of applications. There is also a "Monitored applications" tab, where you can view and organise your list of monitored applications and customise the settings for email notifications.
Find out more in the Register Alert FAQ section
Email alert
The email alert function is a European Patent Register service which allows users to monitor the activity relating to patent application "file wrappers" by means of email notifications sent to the subscriber when changes occur to the EP dossiers of their choice.
Once you are in the in the All documents view, simply click on the email link at the top of the page and enter your email address. Once you have done so you will receive an email confirming your subscription.
Fig. 2: Subscribe to Email Alert Global Dossier service
An automatically generated email will then be sent to you whenever any changes occur in your monitored dossiers.
This service is also available for dossiers of multiple intellectual property offices, including the IP5 offices. Each partner office offers real-time access to the relevant data on their servers, which users can access from the EP Patent Family panel view by clicking on the Global Dossier icons in the application concerned. Once there, just follow the same procedure as described above. Please note, it may take up to eight weeks from the national publication date before documents are available in the Global Dossier.
Fig. 3: Access Global Dossier and alert services from partner offices
Find out more in the Global Dossier help files (see link “Global Dossier” below).
Keywords: monitoring, alert, Register Alert, Email Alert, Global Dossier