Patent Knowledge Snippets

Online event: Boosting startups with intellectual property 

The EPO's Observatory on Patents and Technology warmly invites you to its inaugural online event on innovation, IP rights and startups. 

Boosting startups with intellectual property 
17 October 2023 
10.00-11.30 hrs 

Through presentations, panel discussions and case studies, our speakers will help you to understand the relationship between innovation, intellectual property, funding and growth. You will gain insights into the exciting opportunities that the Unitary Patent offers startups, unlocking potential for growth and prosperity. 

We will also share the key findings of a new joint EUIPO-EPO study highlighting the crucial role played by IP rights portfolios for startups and their investors. Lastly, don't miss the launch of the deep tech finder: a new digital tool that enables you to search for startups based in EPO member states that have filed European patent applications. 

To join us on 17 October register now!

Further information 

Event programme

Keywords: Observatory on Patents and Technology

New UP-related Patent Knowledge Nuggets now available 

With the Unitary Patent (UP) system's official launch on 1 June 2023, UP-related data started to feed into our systems and is now available and searchable in the EPO's various databases, tools and services. 

If you would like to find out more, you can check out our series of Patent Knowledge Nuggets. These short video clips explain how to search and display UP-related information in the European Patent Register, Espacenet and the European Patent Bulletin. 

For ease of access, we have added the latest videos to a UP-related Patent Knowledge Nuggets playlist on the EPO's official YouTube channel. More videos will be added in due course, so it is worth checking the list regularly. 

The recently updated Unitary Patent information in patent knowledge page also provides a clear overview of all UP-related online resources. 

Further information 

UP-related Patent Knowledge Nuggets playlist
Unitary Patent information in patent knowledge
Unitary Patent & Unified Patent Court
Patent Knowledge Nuggets
European Patent Register
European Patent Bulletin

Keywords: Unitary Patent, patent knowledge, European Patent Register, Espacenet, European Patent Bulletin, Patent Knowledge Nuggets