Do I need special equipment for videoconferencing?
a. System
To prevent resource issues, we recommend that you use a powerful computer running a recent Windows or Macintosh operating system. The same applies to your mobile device if you want to use the Zoom mobile app for iOS or Android. Please note that mobile devices are not recommended if you intend to speak or listen to the interpretation provided.
b. Internet connection
Please make sure that your internet connection is strong and stable. Using an Ethernet cable instead of Wi-Fi helps sudden drop-outs, allowing the oral proceedings to run smoothly.
c. Camera
We recommend using a good-quality webcam (HD 720p or above) positioned to provide a close-up head shot of the speaker. Most importantly, each person should have their own camera.
d. Audio
Please use a high-quality microphone, namely a USB headset with integrated microphone or a unidirectional USB "podcast" microphone (clip-on or stand-alone) with a frequency response of at least 125 Hz to 15 000 Hz and an echo-cancelling function.
Please use audio devices that are connected to the computer by USB cable. Devices connected to the computer using Bluetooth are only acceptable if an additional Bluetooth USB connector is used, and if the participant is alone in the room to avoid interference.
For VICOs involving interpreting in particular it is not recommended to use microphones built into a PC or a webcam, wireless headsets connected to the computer via its built-in Bluetooth, phone earbuds (even if wired) or standard VICO room equipment with omnidirectional microphones, which are often shared. None of these perform adequately for remote interpreting. They do not cover the frequency range of 125 Hz to 15 000 Hz that simultaneous interpreters need in order to be able to listen and speak at the same time, as stipulated in ISO/PAS standard 24019.
If two or more people who are physically present in the same room intend to speak during the proceedings, they should avoid echoes and each have their own individual headset/microphone and camera.
Always use "join with computer audio" when joining a Zoom meeting and check that you have selected the correct device in the Zoom audio settings.
Please do not use external speakers as these can cause echoes. We recommend using a headset or headphones.
Microphones, speakers and cameras - dos and dont's
Check our technical guidelines.
e. Surroundings
Choose a quiet location to connect to the Zoom meeting. Generally speaking, a smaller space with soft furnishings improves your acoustics and minimises reverberation.