Do the tools support the possibility of having more than one representative or technical expert present at the proceedings?
Yes, the tools support the possibility of having more than one representative or technical expert present at the proceedings. To assure good audio quality, it is preferred that parties, their representatives and any persons accompanying the parties or representatives connect in a distributed manner, i.e. from different locations or devices.
If two or more people who are physically present in the same room intend to speak during the proceedings, they should not use external speakers as these can cause echoes and should each/all have their own individual headset or microphone+headphones. If you wear a mask while speaking this can make interpreting difficult, if not impossible at times, so stay physically distanced so you can remove your mask when speaking. Array microphones or built-in microphones from a computer which capture multiple speakers do not perform adequately to allow simultaneous interpretation and also capture ambient sounds such as mouse clicks and pages being turned, all of which can make it difficult for the interpreters to hear what is being said while talking. For more information, see ISO standard 24019: Simultaneous interpreting delivery platforms – Requirements and recommendations.
Each person should have their own camera.
For oral proceedings in opposition, to help the division identify people at the beginning of a VICO and distinguish parties from members of the public, it is recommended that you enter a Zoom username giving an indication of the party you are representing before joining the meeting (e.g. PROP- Mr/Ms XYZ for the representative of the proprietor). The division will then be able to identify who is waiting in the virtual lobby.