What happens with communications with a time limit such as 71(3), which are dispatched on paper although our Mailbox is switched on?

If you receive paper copies of communications with a time limit, they will not be reissued. Any notification on paper is still legally valid, even if an active mailbox is available. Please note that, according to the new notification fiction, a communication is deemed notified on the date of the communication if it is received within seven days of the date of the communication. 

Example 1: Communication dated 2 October 2023 is received on paper on 13 November 2023 => the communication is deemed notified on 2 October. 

Example 2: Communication dated 2 October 2023 is received on paper on 14 November 2023 => at the applicant's request, an extra day is added to the time limit (i.e. the days exceeding the acceptable delay of seven days are added). 
