Can I be automatically notified when new software is released?
You can enable the Live Update functionality in the Server Manager. Go to Settings => Live Update Proxy and select Enable software update system. You should also ensure that you have enabled the respective EPC contracting state by ticking the check box next to it under Tools => Preferences => System Preferences => Countries. If Live Update is enabled, updates for the EP, PCT and selected national office procedures will be initiated automatically.
You can select the interval at which you would like your software to check for updates by specifying the number of days in Check for update every XX day(s). The system will then notify you at the selected interval if any new software has been released. We recommend setting the interval to "1" as it will then check once a day, the first time you start the software. You can enter your own and/or anybody else's email address in the Server Manager Settings tab. Everybody on that list will then be sent an automatically generated email whenever a new Live Update is available.
It is important to bear in mind that you first need to download the updates before you can install them. Downloading on its own is not sufficient to complete the process of updating. You must also install the updates in order to effectively apply them to the Online Filing software.
On installation of some large patches, a separate download window will open, with a link to download the patch.