Patent Knowledge Products and Services
Name | Description | Price |
Online services | ||
Espacenet | The public online service for searching and retrieving patent information including EPO’s worldwide bibliographic and full-text data collections | Free |
European Patent Register | The most complete and up-to-date source of publicly available procedural information on European patent applications as they pass through each stage of the EPO granting process and on European patents with unitary effect. | Free |
Technology Intelligence Platform (TIP) | The Technology Intelligence platform is the latest state-of-the-art data platform which allows you to process, combine, analyse, and visualise patent data with third-party data in a single web-based cloud-native platform. | Free |
Global Patent Index (GPI) | Global Patent Index (GPI) is a legacy product for searches in the EPO’s worldwide bibliographic, legal status and full-text data collections. | 1st subscription: EUR 755 2nd and next subscriptions: EUR 650 Bi-annual subscription: EUR 490 Quarterly subscription: EUR 250 |
PATSTAT Online | Legacy web-based interface to the PATSTAT databases for conducting statistical patent analyses, visualising the data and downloading it for offline use. | Annual subscription: EUR 755 Bi-annual subscription: EUR 490 Quarterly subscription: EUR 250 |
Data and APIs | ||
EP bibliographic data (EBD) | EBD contains all newly published applications and patents and recent changes to previously published patents. | Free |
European Patent Register data | The backfile is a snapshot of the European Patent Register data. | Free |
Text of decisions of EPO Boards of Appeal | XML format, 2 editions/year | Free |
EPO worldwide bibliographic database (DOCDB) | DOCDB contains all worldwide bibliographic data, abstracts and citations. | Free |
EPO worldwide legal status database (INPADOC) | INPADOC contains all worldwide legal status information on patent publications. | Free |
EP full-text data | EP full-text data contains all bibliographic, claims, descriptions and drawings of European Patent applications. | Free |
Sequence listings | Sequence listings of nucleotides or amino acids from EP, Euro-PCT and PCT publications where the EPO is the International Searching Authority. | Free |
National full-text data | Full-text extractions from our database for the national collections of Switzerland, France, United Kingdom and Spain. | Subscription (download): EUR 2 700 / country Backfile: EUR 9 100 / country |
European Case Law Identifier | ECLI is a machine-processable code that can be assigned to decisions from any national or European court. The EPO offers a dedicated sitemap referencing all EPO board of appeal decisions. | Free |
PATSTAT Global and EP Register | Snapshot of the EPO worldwide bibliographic database (DOCDB), EPO worldwide legal status database (INPADOC) combined and European Patent Register data in combination for statistical analysis. | PATSTAT Global PATSTAT EP Register |
Open Patent Services (OPS) | Application Programming Interface (API) to access most of the EPO’s data sets programmatically. | Free of charge for up to 4 GB / week Subscription: EUR 2 800 |
European Publication Server | Application Programming Interface (API) to access all the European patent documents published by the EPO. | Free |
Official Legal Publications | ||
Official Journal | The Official Journal (OJ) is your source of general information and notices from the EPO, and of other information relevant to the EPC or its implementation (Article 129(b) EPC). | Free |
European Patent Bulletin | The European Patent Bulletin offers free downloadable files containing bibliographic and procedural data. | Free |
Cross-reference index for EURO-PCT applications | The files available for download are lists of PCT applications as referred to in Article 153(3) (not republished by the EPO) and (4) EPC (republished by the EPO) and are updated on the EPO's official publication day. | Free |
European Patent Convention | Convention on the Grant of European Patents. | Free |
Unitary Patent System Legal Texts | All legal texts relating to the Unitary Patent System. | Free |
European Patent Guidelines | Practice and procedures from the filing of a European patent application to grant and in post-grant opposition, limitation and revocation. | Free |
Guidelines for search and examination at the EPO as PCT Authority | The practice and procedure to be followed in the various aspects of the handling of international applications before the EPO as International Searching Authority and International Preliminary Examining Authority. | Free |
Unitary Patent Guidelines (to be published) | Practice and procedures in obtaining unitary patent protection in Europe. | Free |
Case Law of the Boards of Appeal of the EPO | A comprehensive collection of decisions and legal principles developed by the Boards of Appeal, guiding the interpretation and application of European patent law. | Free |
National law relating to the EPC | A concise guide to the most important provisions and requirements of the relevant national law in EPC contracting, extension and validation states. | Free |