EPO publishes the European Patent Academy Training catalogue for 2024

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Today, the European Patent Office (EPO) published the Training catalogue 2024, which presents the European Patent Academy’s comprehensive range of diverse training activities and educational products. These cover all the key areas: from patent granting through patent litigation and enforcement, to patent knowledge and technology transfer, as well as research and certification.
The activities and products are designed to meet the needs of both a wide range of EPO stakeholders and partners, and society at large. Topics relate to every stage of the patenting journey, from the inception of a patentable invention to its commercialisation and protection on the market. The catalogue also outlines how the training activities contribute to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
So there really is something for everyone. The entire catalogue has been made possible through co-operation with national patent offices and a variety of stakeholders including patent attorneys, universities, businesses, judges and lawyers.