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Business Distribution Scheme as of 1 October 2019

The Boards of Appeal are well on track to meet their objective of settling 90% of cases within 30 months of receipt and reducing the number of pending cases to below 7000 by 2023. This objective will be achieved by (i) an increase in the productivity of the Boards of Appeal and (ii) the allocation of additional resources for a limited period of time.

The Business Distribution Scheme as of 1 October 2019 reflects additional technical member posts. In order to underpin that this additional capacity is earmarked for dealing with the backlog, no new boards are created. In some boards, chairs will thus become responsible for a higher number of technical members.

There will not be any change in the proportion of chairing capacity to technical member capacity. In order to achieve this, deputy chairs in some boards with a larger number of technical members will chair oral proceedings on a regular basis.