Technical fault in Online Fee Payment (reference no INC0062260) – detected and resolved

On 07.06.2022 between 07:45 and 12:45 we experienced technical problems with Online Fee Payment.

We apologise for any inconvenience.

Legal safeguards may be available where filing or fee payment services were not available, depending on the service affected, the day and duration of the unavailability and the procedural situation. For details see Rule 134 EPC, Rule 82quater.2 PCT point 5.5 of the ADA (Supplementary publication 4, OJ EPO 2019) and the notice from the EPO dated 22 October 2020 (OJ EPO 2020, A120).

Please always quote the reference number indicated above when addressing the EPO in relation to this issue.

07.06.2022, 15:00 h (CET)