Select Committee documents

Unitary Patent legal framework

SC/D 1/22 - Decision of the Select Committee of the Administrative Council of 23 March 2022 amending Rule 16 of the Rules relating to Unitary Patent Protection

SC/4/22 - Amendments to the Rules relating to Unitary Patent Protection regarding the Register for unitary patent protection in relation with the identification of the place of business – Rule 16 UPR

SC/D 3/21 - Decision of the Select Committee of the Administrative Council of 16 December 2021 amending Rule 16 of the Rules relating to Unitary Patent Protection

SC/12/21 - Amendments to the Rules relating to Unitary Patent Protection regarding the register for unitary patent protection - Rule 16 UPR

SC/D 1/15 - Decision of the Select Committee of the Administrative Council of 15 December 2015 adopting the Rules relating to Unitary Patent Protection

Draft Rules 1 – 24 relating to unitary patent protection – consolidated version

Budget and Finance

SC/D 3/15 - Decision of the Select Committee of the Administrative Council of 15 December 2015 adopting the Budgetary and Financial Rules


SC/D 2/15 - Decision of the Select Committee of the Administrative Council of 15 December 2015 adopting the Rules relating to Fees for Unitary Patent Protection


SC/D 1/23 - Decision of the Select Committee of the Administrative Council of 31 May 2023 inserting an Article 13a in its Rules of Procedure

SC/20/22 - Request for observer status – North Macedonian delegation

SC/D 2/21 - Decision of the Select Committee of the Administrative Council of 14 October 2021 amending Articles 1 and 6 of its Rules of Procedure

SC/D 1/21 - Decision of the Select Committee of the Administrative Council of 1 October 2021 amending Articles 7 and 9 of its Rules of Procedure

SC/3/21 - Request for observer status – UK delegation

SC/7/21 - Meetings with hybrid (i.e. physical and virtual) attendance of the Select Committee of the Administrative Council – Amendment of Articles 1 and 6 of the Rules of Procedure of the Select Committee

SC/6/21 - E-meetings of the Select Committee of the Administrative Council - Amendments of Articles 7 and 9 of the Rules of Procedure of the Select Committee

SC/D 1/13 - Decision of the Select Committee of the Administrative Council of 25 June 2013 approving the Rules of Procedure of the Select Committee of the Administrative Council

Miscellaneous / Other

SC/3/24 - Update on the operational and financial aspects of the Unitary Patent

SC/3/23 - Data Protection Framework for the Select Committee

SC/13/21 - Communication and awareness campaign

An Enhanced European Patent System

SC/5/14 - Updated timeline for the work programme of the Select Committee