European (EPC) forms
Most frequently used forms:
1001: Request for grant of a European patent
1200: Entry into the European phase
2300: Notice of opposition to a European patent
1018: Withdrawal of one or more European patent applications
- All EPC forms
Form number and title PDF 1001 Request for grant of a European patent v. 07.24 download Notes on the request for grant of a European patent v. 07.24 download 1002 Designation of inventor v. 02.21 download 1003 Authorisation v. 06.22 download Notes on Authorisation v. 02.24 download 1004 General authorisation v. 11.23 download Notes on General authorisation v. 11.23 download 1005 PACE request to the European Patent Office download 1009 Request for participation in the Patent Prosecution Highway (PPH) pilot program v. 5.16 download Notes on participation in the Patent Prosecution Highway (PPH) Pilot Programme v. 5.16 download 1011 Declaration for microenterprises, SMEs, natural persons, non-profit organisations, universities and public research organisations for the purpose of fee reductions under Rule 7a(1) and/or (3) EPC
download 1011bis Declaration for SMEs, natural persons, non-profit organisations, universities and public research organisations for the purpose of the reduction of the fee for appeal under Article 2(1), item 11 of the Rules relating to Fees and Rule 7a(2) EPC
download 1012 Enquiry as to the processing of the file download 1013 Request for retrieval of a certified copy of a previous application (priority document) via the WIPO Digital Access Service (DAS) download 1018 Withdrawal of one or more European patent applications v. 10.19 download Notes on the withdrawal of one or more European patent applications
v. 10.19download 1020 Payment form only for applications filed with national patent offices v. 01.24 download 1034 Important deadlines when filing a European patent application v. 1.21 download 1038 Letter accompanying subsequently filed items download 1140-
1141Request for the issue of a sample of deposited biological material v. 07.24 download Notes concerning the forms for the issue of a sample of deposited biological material v. 10.17 download 1142
1142aRequest for deposited biological material to be made available by issuing a sample to an expert v. 10.22 download Declaration by the nominated expert under Rule 32 EPC v. 10.22 download Notes concerning the request for deposited biological material to be made available by issuing a sample to an expert v. 10.17 download 1200 Entry into the European phase (EPO as designated or elected Office) v. 04.24 download Notes on Form 1200, for entry into the European phase v. 07.24 download 2025 Request to delay issuing the decision to grant a European patent, in view of the forthcoming introduction of the Unitary Patent v. 12.22
download 2300 Notice of opposition to a European Patent v. 03.23 download Notes to the notice of opposition v. 03.23 download 2380 Request for limitation or revocation of a European patent v. 03.23 download 3002 Notice of appeal v. 02.23 download 5050 Request for registration in the European Patent Register of the transfer of one or more European patent applications/patents (Rules 22 and 85 EPC) v. 11.19 download Notes on the request for registration in the European Patent Register of the transfer of one or more European patent applications/patents (Rules 22 and 85 EPC) v. 11.19 download 5051 Request to update the European Patent Register: changes to the particulars of applicants/proprietors in one or more
European patent applications/patents (Rule 143(1)(f) EPC) v. 11.19download Notes on the request to update the European Patent Register:
changes to the particulars of applicants/proprietors in one or more European patent applications/patents (Rule 143(1)(f) EPC) v. 11.19download 5055 Declaration of the transfer of one or more European patent
applications/patents v.5.20download Notes on the declaration of the transfer of one or more European patent applications/patents v.6.23 download 5060 Request to update the European Patent Register:
appointment or change of representative in one or more European patent applications/patents (Rule 143(1)(h) EPC) v. 11.19download Notes on the request to update the European Patent Register: appointment or change of representative in one or more European patent applications/patents (Rule 143(1)(h) EPC) v11.19 download 5061 Request to update the European Patent Register:
changes to the particulars of a representative in one or more
European patent applications/patents (Rule 143(1)(h) EPC) v. 11.19download Notes on the request to update the European Patent Register: changes to the particulars of a representative in one or more European patent applications/patents (Rule 143(1)(h) EPC) v. 11.19 download Annex to form 5050/5051/5055/5060/5061 v. 11.19 download 5070 Request for registration in the European Patent Register of a licence or other right in respect of one or more European patent applications pursuant to Rule 23 or Rule 24 EPC v. 12.21 download Notes on the request for registration in the European Patent Register of a licence or other right in respect of one or more European patent applications v. 6.23 download 5071 Request for cancellation of the registration in the European Patent Register of a licence or other right in respect of one or more European patent applications pursuant to Rule 23(2) EPC v. 12.21 download Notes on the request for cancellation of the registration in the European Patent Register of a licence or other right in respect of one or more European patent applications v. 6.23 download Annex to form 5070/5071 v. 12.21 download - Unitary Patent forms
Users are encouraged to submit forms 7000 or 7038 through the dedicated functionality in Online Filing (eOLF) and Online Filing 2.0.
Form number and title PDF 7000 Request for unitary effect v. 03.23 download Notes on the request for unitary effect v. 06.22 download 7001 Statement concerning licences of right in respect of a European patent with unitary effect v. 03.23 download Notes on the statement concerning licences of right in respect of a European patent with unitary effect v. 06.22 download 7002 Withdrawal of a statement concerning licences of right in respect of a European patent with unitary effect v. 03.23 download Notes on the withdrawal of a statement concerning licences of right in respect of a European patent with unitary effect
v. 06.22download 7003 European patent with unitary effect – Authorisation v. 06.22 download Notes on "European patent with unitary effect – Authorisation" v. 02.24 download 7004 European patent with unitary effect − General authorisation
v. 11.23download Notes on "European patent with unitary effect − General authorisation" v. 11.23 download 7005 European patent with unitary effect - Registration of a licensing commitment undertaken in an international standardisation body v. 11.20 download 7038 European patent with unitary effect - Letter accompanying subsequently filed items v. 02.24 download
International (PCT) forms
You can download forms for applications under the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) from the website of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO).
Third party observations
You can use our online form to submit your third-party observations. It has been designed to help you formulate them in a structured and concise way.
Request for examination in an admissible non-EPO language
You may be able to file your request for examination in an admissible non-EPO language. You may also be entitled to pay a reduced examination fee.
Request for (certified) copies of documents on file or for information from the files
Use our web form to file a request for (certified) copies of documents on file, or for information from the files related to a European patent application (Rule 145(2) EPC or Rule 146 EPC) or a European patent with unitary effect (Rule 20(2)(a) UPR) in conjunction with Rule 145(2) EPC or Rule 146 EPC.
You cannot use this form to request certified copies of a European patent application, of a priority document (Rule 54 EPC), of a European patent certificate (Rule 74 EPC) or of a certificate for a European patent with unitary effect. In these cases, you will need to file a request using one of the accepted means of filing (Rule 2(1) EPC, Rule 20(2)(a) UPR).