European Patent Register data

European Patent Register data contains all the publicly available procedural information on European patent applications as they pass through each stage of the granting process.
You can use European Patent Register data to:
- find out what stage in the procedure a European patent application has reached
- integrate records from the European Patent Register into your own search interface, database or search engine
- combine frontfiles (EBD) and an annual backfile (European Patent Register data)
- Getting started
- Check the sample data and information on the main features of our bulk data sets.
- The data is available for download twice a year.
- Conditions
Coverage From 1978 onwards Format XML ST36 Volume Backfile: approx. 8 GB zipped Delivery Backfile data is available for download twice a year.
Frontfile data in the same format is not available.The EPO's bulk data sets are also referred to as "raw data products" or "EPO databases".
The terms and conditions for licensing of EPO databases apply
- Further information
The European Patent Register data backfile provides complete historical data for an EPO patent application at any given time. The European Register data is a snapshot of the database on the date specified, and includes not only the information listed in Rule 143 EPC but also additional data such as legal status, attorney details, etc.
Our product does not include "All documents" or Federated Register sections of the European Patent Register.
Please note that European Patent Register data backfile can only partly be matched with the EBD weekly frontfile.
For more details see: European Register Data data
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