Subscribe to EPO mailings

Here is an overview of the mailings we provide to help you to stay up to date with what is happening in the patent world.  You can subscribe to the ones that are most relevant to you and your business/activities.  In some cases, you can even tailor the content you receive.

You can manage your subscription in your profile or unsubscribe from any or all EPO mailings at any time.

Your details

Your subscriptions

Select which mailings and mailing topics interest you to receive regular updates.

This is a fortnightly publication on European patent law and procedure, patent knowledge and searching, and other EPO services. Written for patent professionals, it also provides details of key EPO events and training opportunities, along with links to more information on the EPO website and/or related sites.

When you subscribe to the EPO newsletter, you can pick and mix from the topics listed below to put together a newsletter tailor-made to your interests. The EPO newsletter is in English, French and German.  Frequently asked questions about the EPO newsletter

And specific topics

Updates on practical issues to do with the filing and grant procedures, including information on regulation changes, forms and fees.

Information on European patent law, including the case law of the EPO boards of appeal. This section also covers legislative initiatives such as the unitary patent.

Information on conferences and training opportunities, as well as the European qualifying examination (EQE) and e-learning modules.

Updates and information on the EPO's online services, including Online Filing 2.0, Online Fee Payment and the European Patent Register, as well as our online services training days.

News on the EPO's patent databases and search tools.

This e-alert provides information on EPO learning events. You will receive mailings about training events in the areas of most interest to you, and reminders about when registration for these events is about to begin and to end. These mailings are in English.

And specific groups 









The Official Journal is your source of official information and general notices from the EPO, and of other information relevant to the EPC or its implementation. Subscribe to be informed every time a new monthly issue, supplementary publication or pre-published notice becomes available. The Official Journal alerts are in English, French and German.

The EPO consults users to gather feedback on preliminary drafts for proposed amendments to European patent law and practice, such as major changes to the Implementing Regulations to the EPC, to the Rules relating to Fees or to examination practice.  Mailings are sent out when a new consultation process is launched. These mailings are in English.

The EPO’s flagship innovation prizes celebrate inventors, scientists, researchers, engineers, and entrepreneurs across the globe. Subscribe to learn about finalists past and present and see how their work is shaping a more sustainable world. The newsletter is available in English.

EPO online services are designed to allow applicants, attorneys and other users to conduct their EPO business electronically in a secure state-of-the-art environment. Subscribe to the EPO online services alert service for news on training events & workshops.