IP Teaching Kit

Image IP Teaching Kit


The IP Teaching Kit (IPTK) is a follow-up to the successful Patent Teaching Kit launched in 2010 by the European Patent Academy of the European Patent Office (EPO).

With the IPTK you have at your disposal free of charge an extensive set of professional teaching materials which represents one of the most comprehensive IP teaching resources in the world.

Produced by the EPO in co-operation with the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO), the IPTK includes ready-made PowerPoint slides with speaking notes and additional background information. The speaking notes can be read out as they stand. The background information provides additional details which will help you prepare for the more advanced questions that students might have. It is not intended for this information to be included in the lecture.

The IP Teaching Kit will enable you to put together lectures and presentations on all kinds of IP, including patents, utility models, trade marks, copyright, designs and trade secrets. It is made up of the following modules: IP BasicsIP Advanced I and IIIP Search Tools and IP Management. It also includes two case studies that were part of a special issue on IP management of the California Management Review produced in collaboration with the EPO and the University of California Berkeley.

The materials can be tailored to your students' background (science or engineering, business or law), their knowledge of the topic, their learning goals and the time available.

Watch our tutorial for teachers and lecturers on how to plan a lecture with the IP Teaching Kit.

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Terms of use

The IP Teaching Kit has been produced by the EPO in co-operation with the EUIPO.

The content of the kit is intended for training and information purposes only. The information it contains is of a general nature only and is not intended to address the specific circumstances of any particular case, individual or entity.

Neither the EPO nor the EUIPO can guarantee that the information is comprehensive, complete, accurate or up-to-date, and they therefore cannot accept responsibility for any loss or damage that may arise from reliance on it.

The information contained in the kit in no way constitutes professional or legal advice.

Users may modify or translate the IPTK and any of its parts on condition that the EPO and the EUIPO are credited as the providers of the original and that it is clearly stated that changes have been made to the original material, that the modified or translated version has not been authorised by the EPO or the EUIPO, and that neither the EPO nor the EUIPO are responsible for the correctness of the modified or translated version. Any other reference to the EPO or the EUIPO, and in particular their official logos, shall be removed from any such version.

Users shall give the EPO and the EUIPO free of charge an electronic copy of the modifications or translations and shall grant them the right to further distribute them, if they so wish, as part of the IPTK, as an additional version or alternative language version. In such cases, the EPO and the EUIPO shall mention the author of the modifications or translations if asked to do so.

The IPTK and any of its parts, as well as any modification or translation thereof, may be used for non-commercial teaching and training purposes only.