Patent offices outside the European Patent Organisation

Listed alphabetically

Organisation Africaine de la Propriété Intellectuelle 

Algerian National Institute of Industrial Property

ARIPO - African Regional Intellectual Property Organization

Australian Patent Office 

Argentinian Industrial Property National Institute

Republic of Belarus - National Center of Intellectual Property 

Belize Intellectual Property Office (BELIPO)

Bolivia - National Intellectual Property Service

Bosnia and Herzegovina - Institute for Intellectual Property

Brazilian Institute of Industrial Property

Canadian Intellectual Property Office

The Patent Office of Chile

China National Intellectual Property Administration 

Eurasian patent organization (EAPO)

National Intellectual Property Center of Georgia 

India - Controller General of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks

Indonesia - Controller General of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks

Israel - Patent Office

Japan Patent Office 

Korean Patent Office 

Malaysian Intellectual Property division 

Mexican Institute of Industrial Property

State Agency on Industrial Property Protection of the Republic of Moldova

Montenegro - Intellectual Property Office

Moroccan Office for Industrial and Commercial Property 

New Zealand Patent Office

INDEC OPI - Patent Office of Peru 

Russian Patent Office (ROSPATENT)

IPOS Intellectual Property Office of Singapore 

South Africa - Companies and Intellectual Property Registration Office 

Taiwanese Intellectual Property Office 

Thailand - Department of Intellectual Property

Tunisia - National Institute for Standardization and Industrial Property of Tunisia

United States Patent and Trademark Office 

Ukrainian Industrial Property Institute  

World Intellectual Property Organization