Patent offices outside the European Patent Organisation
Listed alphabetically
Organisation Africaine de la Propriété Intellectuelle
Algerian National Institute of Industrial Property
ARIPO - African Regional Intellectual Property Organization
Argentinian Industrial Property National Institute
Republic of Belarus - National Center of Intellectual Property
Belize Intellectual Property Office (BELIPO)
Bolivia - National Intellectual Property Service
Bosnia and Herzegovina - Institute for Intellectual Property
Brazilian Institute of Industrial Property
Canadian Intellectual Property Office
China National Intellectual Property Administration
Eurasian patent organization (EAPO)
National Intellectual Property Center of Georgia
India - Controller General of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks
Indonesia - Controller General of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks
Malaysian Intellectual Property division
Mexican Institute of Industrial Property
State Agency on Industrial Property Protection of the Republic of Moldova
Montenegro - Intellectual Property Office
Moroccan Office for Industrial and Commercial Property
INDEC OPI - Patent Office of Peru
Russian Patent Office (ROSPATENT)
IPOS Intellectual Property Office of Singapore
South Africa - Companies and Intellectual Property Registration Office
Taiwanese Intellectual Property Office
Thailand - Department of Intellectual Property
Tunisia - National Institute for Standardization and Industrial Property of Tunisia
United States Patent and Trademark Office