Statistics and trends

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Statistics & Trends Centre

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Graphical art showing stacked blocks combining into bars that resemble statistics, tinted in colourful red, blue and purple on black ground
Patent Index 2023

Patent Index 2023 provides a comprehensive overview of the figures representing recent activity in the global patent system. It also offers insights into emerging technology trends.

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Chief Economist’s studies

Read the latest studies explaining the impact of current technology trends and the links between patents and economic activity.

Patent Index (previous)

2023 in summary

Patent insight reports

These landscaping reports focus on emerging technologies where we see rapid growth in patenting. Although they might not yet have a high number of patent applications, these potentially disruptive technologies deserve attention and analysis.

Patent insight reports

EPO Data Hub

A free mobile app available for iOS and Android devices. EPO Data Hub complements the Patent Index, allowing users to explore patenting trends. An update for 2023 data is now available.

Get the app

Clarification on data sources

What data are included in the Patent Index and other statistical presentations? How, when and why are they revised? How are applicants consolidated for our rankings? We briefly explain.

Our methodology

Data to download

Excel sheets for all the data in the annual Patent Index as well as data from other patent offices and EPO performance data including statistics on oppositions (CA/F 5).

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