Patent attorneys and paralegals
These resources are designed to enable European patent attorneys and patent administrators to maximise their expertise.
Upcoming training events
Upcoming training events
Search & Examination Matters
Materials and publications
Materials and publications
Discover more on EPO publications focused on patent attorneys and paralegals:
E-learning resources
E-learning resources
Browse and discover all e-learning resources provided by the EPO:
Tutorials: Tools for applying
Event: Patenting Artificial Intelligence
The EPO as a PCT authority
Search Matters 2023
How to get patents in healthcare
Examination Matters: online seminars
How to apply for a patent
Lectures for patent administrators (in German)
Patentability requirements at the EPO
Patentability in healthcare, biotechnology and chemistry
Introduction to the European patent system
Daily D questions
Patentability in information and communications technology
Opposition Matters 2022
Oral proceedings by videoconference before opposition divisions
More on e-learning centre
See also
See also
The EPO recommends patent attorneys and paralegals to also explore the following content: