Request for examination
Natural or legal persons having their residence or principal place of business within an EPC contracting state with an official language other than English, French or German, and nationals of that state who are resident abroad, may file the request for examination in an official language of that state (admissible non-EPO language) (Article 14(4) EPC).
Where a request for examination is filed in an admissible non-EPO language, the examination fee is reduced by 30% under certain circumstances (Rule 7a(1) EPC in conjunction with Article 14(1) Rules relating to Fees ). If you file the request for examination in an admissible non-EPO language, it is best to file it at the same time as the request for grant or the request for entering the European phase. In principle, the request for examination in an admissible non-EPO language may be filed at any time until the examination fee is paid (Article 94(1), Rule 70 EPC).
For further details concerning filing the request for examination in an admissible non-EPO language and the conditions justifying any related fee reduction(s), see Guidelines for Examination in the EPO, A-X, 9.2.3 and our FAQ on fee reductions for small and micro-entities.
EPO Forms 1001 (Request for grant of a European patent),1200 (Entry into the European phase) and 1038 (Letter accompanying subsequently filed items) available in the EPO’s online filing tools (Online Filing and Online Filing 2.0) contain drop-down menus where the request for examination in an admissible non‑EPO language and the declaration under Rule 7b(1) EPC as to applicants’ entitlement can be selected. In the corresponding paper forms, available for download on, the request for examination in an admissible non-EPO language and the declaration as to applicants’ entitlement can be entered manually in the relevant sections.
The request for examination may be worded as follows:
- Albanian: "Kërkohet të bëhet ekzaminimi i aplikimit në bazë të nenit 94."
- Bulgarian: "Да се извъpши екcпеpтиза на заявката съгласно чл.94."
- Croatian: "Zahtjeva se ispitivanje prijave prema clanku 94. EPC-a".
- Czech: "Žádá se o průzkum přihlášky podle článku 94."
- Danish: "Hermed begæres prøvning af ansøgningen i henhold til Art. 94."
- Dutch: "Verzocht wordt om onderzoek van de aanvrage als bedoeld in Art. 94."
- Estonian: "Taotlusele palutakse teha artikli 94 kohane ekspertiis."
- Finnish: "Täten pyydetään hakemuksen tutkimista artiklan 94 mukaisesti."
- Greek: "Σύμφωνα με τις διατάξεις του άρθρου 94 ζητείται η εξέτασις της αιτήσεως."
- Hungarian: "Kérem az európai szabadalom megadását és a bejelentés 94. cikk szerinti vizsgálatát."
- Icelandic: "Hér með er farið fram á veitingu evrópsks einkaleyfis og rannsókn á einkaleyfishæfi umsóknarinnar skv. 94. grein."
- Irish: "Iarrtar leis seo scrúdú an iarratais de bhun Airteagal 94."
- Italian: "Si richiede di esaminare la domanda ai sensi dell'art. 94."
- Latvian: "Ar šo tiek lūgts veikt ekspertīzi saskaņā ar EPK 94.pantu."
- Lithuanian: "Prašoma atlikti paraiškos ekspertizę pagal 94 straipsnį."
- Luxemburgish: "Et gët heimat Préifung vun der Umeldung nom Art. 94 ugefrot."
- Macedonian: "Испитување на пријавата според член 94 на ЕПК."
- Maltese: "Qed jigi mitlub l-ezaminazzjoni ta' l-applikazzjoni skond Artiklu 94."
- Montenegrin: "Zahtijeva se ovdje ispitivanje prijave na osnovu Člana 94 Konvencije o evropskom patentu."
- Norwegian: "Med dette begjæres prøving av patentsøknaden i henhold til Art. 94."
- Polish: "Niniejszym wnosi się o badanie zgłoszenia na podstawie art. 94."
- Portuguese: "Solicita-se o exame do pedido segundo o artigo 94º."
- Romanian: "Se solicitã examinarea cererii în sensul art. 94."
- Serbian: "Захтева се испитивање пријаве према чл. 94. КЕП-а."
- Slovak: "Podl'a článku 94 sa žiada o prieskum prihlášky."
- Slovenian: "Zahteva se preizkus prijave po 94. členu EPC."
- Spanish: "Se solicita el examen de la solicitud según el artículo 94."
- Swedish: "Härmed begärs prövning av patentansökan enligt art. 94."
- Turkish: "Başvurunun 94. Madde´ye göre incelenmesi istenmektedir."