Innovation case studies

Case studies representative image

This series of innovation case studies reveals how innovators can make better use of the IP system to create value. The SME and technology transfer case studies that make up the series showcase technology commercialisation in the main regions in Europe, in a wide range of industries and innovation ecosystems, and using the application of a range of business models.

European SMEs, universities, PROs and lone inventors are responsible for over a quarter of all patent applications filed with the EPO and are vital engines for innovation, employment and economic growth. These innovation case studies let successful innovators share their key takeaways on how to create a proactive IP strategy that will support your business, how to take a holistic approach to IP management, involve IP specialists and use patent information. They also describe the challenges faced by start-ups looking to commercialise research results or extend their business models.

SME case studies

SMEs show how they strategically use IP to their advantage and what IP management capabilities they need to achieve their goals.

Technology transfer case studies

Technology transfer journeys demonstrate the role that IP rights play when translating research results into commercially successful products and services.


High-growth technology case studies

Business leaders discuss their business success stories with global expert panels. They describe the challenges they have faced in terms of licensing, building to sell, growth financing and open innovation with a focus on the role of intellectual assets. The format is designed with key learnings for business decision-makers in mind.