Strategic Plan 2028

In this Strategic Plan we will move from sustainability being a goal to being the goal. Our people, technologies, high-quality products and services, the partnerships the EPO develops and financial sustainability are the five drivers that will enable us to build a more sustainable patent office.


Driver 1
Driver 1: People

Focusing on sustainable engagement, attracting and developing talent, and supporting mobility and flexibility in physical and virtual homes and providing engaging workspaces.


Driver 2
Driver 2: Technologies

Elevating the EPO’s capabilities with cutting-edge technologies that build a resilient infrastructure, drive digital transformation in the Patent Granting Process and corporate services, deliver excellence and leverage new technologies with the highest standards of IT security.

Driver 3
Driver 3: High-quality, timely products and services

Delivering excellence throughout the Patent Granting Process (PGP) and improving on the high-quality and timeliness of the EPO’s products and services.  


Driver 4
Driver 4: Partnerships

Collaborating closely with partners to increase quality and enhance the accessibility of the patent system for all, ensuring that innovation flourishes and that the patent system reaches its full potential for society.

Driver 5
Driver 5: Financial Sustainability

Safeguarding the EPO’s financial sustainability in uncertain times by monitoring the coverage of its liabilities and implementing measures to improve them.  


EPO at a glance

As the Patent Office for Europe, we support innovation, competitiveness and economic growth across Europe through a commitment to high quality and efficient services delivered under the European Patent Convention.