Global Patent Index (GPI)

GPI is a powerful tool that enables you to perform detailed searches in the EPO's worldwide bibliographic, legal event and full-text data sets.
GPI is updated weekly. More than 500 000 patent documents are added every month.
With GPI you can:
- perform regular monitoring (e.g. monthly or quarterly) of technical areas or companies to identify newly added patent documents
- use the built-in charts to visualise technical trends and companies' patenting activity in your presentations and reports
- choose the data you want to see and download to focus on what you are interested in
- run data quality assessments to measure the risk of incomplete search results
- Getting started
Learn how to use GPI:
- Conditions
We offer a variety of subscription models. Please visit our shop for more information and prices.
Terms and conditions for the delivery and use of EPO information products
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