Grid with statistics on grey background


Backbone data set for statistical analysis

The EPO's PATSTAT has become a point of reference in the field of patent intelligence and statistics. It helps you perform sophisticated statistical analyses of bibliographical and legal event patent data.

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PATSTAT contains bibliographical and legal event patent data from leading industrialised and developing countries. This is extracted from the EPO’s databases and is either provided as bulk data or can be consulted online.

With PATSTAT you can:

  • identify business opportunities
  • see what your competitors are doing
  • monitor trends in technology
Getting started

The PATSTAT product line forms a unique basis for conducting sophisticated analyses of bibliographic and legal event data. It has become a standard in the field of patent intelligence and statistics.

The PATSTAT product line consists of two individual databases. They are available as a bulk data set or via PATSTAT Online, a web-based interface to the databases. With PATSTAT Online, you can run queries in the databases, conduct statistical analyses, visualise the data and download it for offline use.

PATSTAT GlobalPATSTAT Global contains bibliographical data relating to more than 100 million patent documents from leading industrialised and developing countries. It also includes the legal event data from more than 40 patent authorities contained in the EPO worldwide legal event data (INPADOC).
PATSTAT EP RegisterThis database contains bibliographic and legal event data on published European and Euro-PCT patent applications.

Using PATSTAT with SQL for beginners

How to load PATSTAT data


We offer a wide variety of licence options.

Bulk data

PATSTAT GlobalAnnual subscription (Spring AND Autumn)
 Single edition (Spring OR Autumn)
PATSTAT EP RegisterAnnual subscription (Spring AND Autumn)
 Single edition (Spring OR Autumn)


PATSTAT OnlineAnnual subscription
 Bi-annual subscription
 Quarterly subscription

Please visit our shop for prices.

The following terms and conditions apply:

for PATSTAT bulk data

for PATSTAT Online

Sample data


PATSTAT Online – find out about the new beginners’ interface
