
Client buildDateNew features (compared with previous release)
EP (Amendment of the Rules 36,39 and 160 EPC) update 16 December 2024 available for available for (OLF) V5.15 (build 5.0.15)16.12.2024More information
Correction patch EP (special characters) July 2024 available for (OLF) V5.15 (build 5.15 or lower) 16.7.2024More information
Correction patch EP (automatic backup) April 2024 available for (OLF) V5.15 (build 5.15 or lower) 25.4.2024More information
EP, PCT, UP (fees) update 27 March 2024 available for (OLF) V5.15 (build 5.0.15)1.4.2024More information
EP (Georgia) update 11 January 2024 available for (OLF) V5.15 (build 5.0.15)11.1.2024More information
PCT (PCT/RO/101 fee update January 2024) update 20 December 2023 available for (OLF) V5.15 (build 5.0.15)20.12.2023More information
Fee update PCT (SE) for September 2023 available for (OLF) V5.14 (build information
5.14 Update for installation of Online Filing (OLF) V5.14 (build 5.0.14) (stand-alone and/or server and thin client) (incorporates updates up to 1 July 2022)1.7.2022More information
MSI and EXE file for alternative installation of Online Filing version 5 (thin client only)1.7.2022 
Update PCT (end of service NO) for July 2023 available for (OLF) V5.14 (build information
Update UP, EP, PCT (start of Unitary Patent) for June 2023 available for (OLF) V5.14 (build information
Correction patch EP for SP14 April 2023 (number of claims) available for (OLF) V5.14 (build information
Update UP, EP, PCT (fees) for April 2023 available for (OLF) V5.14 (build information
Correction patch EP for SP14 March 2022 (number of claims) available for (OLF) V5.14 (build information
New PCT Contracting State: Mauritius available for (OLF) V5.14 (build information
Update UP, EP, PCT (Türkiye) for February 2023 available for (OLF) V5.14 (build information
Update UP, EP, PCT (introduction of Unitary Patent, PCT fees) for January 2023 available for (OLF) V5.14 (build information
Update EP, PCT (Montenegro accension) for October 2022 available for (OLF) V5.14 (build 1.10.2022More information
Unitary Patent DEMO plug-in update 16 June 2022 available for (OLF) V5.13 (build 5.13.180 or lower) and SP14 (build 5.14.181) 16.6.2022More information
Correction patch EP, PCT, DE, SK (import/export, DE fees, SK SFD) for SP14 August 2022 available for (OLF) V5.14 (build information
Correction patch EP, PCT for SP13 April 2022 (editable fees) available for (OLF) V5.13 (build or lower)7.6.2022More information
PCT (PCT/RO/101 update January 2022) update 28 March 2022 available for (OLF) V5.13 (build or lower)28.3.2022More information
5.13 Update for installation of Online Filing (OLF) V5.13 (build 5.0.13) (stand-alone and/or server and thin client) (incorporates updates up to 1 April 2021)2.6.2021More information
Correction patch EP, PCT for SP13 April 2022 (editable fees) available for (OLF) V5.13 (build or lower)7.6.2022More information
Correction patch EP, PCT for SP13 April 2022 (fee discounts) available for (OLF) V5.13 (build or lower)26.04.2022More information
EP and PCT (Fees) update 1 April 2022 available for (OLF) V5.13 (build 5.13.180 or lower)01.04.2022More information
PCT (PCT/RO/101 update October 2021, certificates) update 1 December 2021 available for (OLF) V5.13 (build or lower)01.12.2021More information
EP (Rule 19 EPC) update November 2021 available for (OLF) V5.13 (build or lower)19.10.2021More information
PCT (PCT/RO/101 update July 2021) update 5 August 2021 available for (OLF) V5.13 (build or lower)24.8.2021More information
Correction patch EP for SP12 April 2021 (F1001 translations) available for (OLF) V5.12 (build or lower) 15.4.2021 More information
PCT (PCT/RO/101 update January 2021) update 10 March 2021 available for (OLF) V5.12 (build or lower)10.3.2021More information

5.12 Full package for installation of Online Filing (OLF) V5.12 (build ) (stand-alone and/or server and thin client) (incorporates updates up to 20 April 2020)

Electronic filings using versions earlier than version 5.12 (build will not be accepted by the EPO's receiving server from 1 December 2020 onwards (EPO OJ 2020/09, A105).
This update must be applied to all installations, including thin client.

8.7.2020More information
PCT (PCT/RO/101 update October 2020) update 11 January 2021 available for (OLF) V5.12 (build or lower)12.1.2021More information
OLF Client V5.12 PCT July 2020 correction patch AT, SE25.9.2020 
PCT (PCT/RO/101 update July 2020) update 25 August 2020 available for (OLF) V5.12 (build information
Correction patch EP for SP11 April 2020 (F1200 stylesheet) available for (OLF) V5.11 (build or lower)20.4.2020More information
OLF Client V5.11 PCT January 2020 correction patch NO9.4.2020More information
EP update (new features and minor technical corrections) 26 March 2020 available for (OLF) V5.11 (build 5.11.175 or lower)26.3.2020More information
PCT (PCT/RO/101 update January 2020, certificates) update 23 March 2020 available for (OLF) V5.11 (build or lower)23.3.2020More information
Correction patch PCT (fee correction DK) for SP11 available for (OLF) V5.11 (build or lower)4.2.2020More information
EP (minor technical corrections) update 8 January 2020 available for (OLF) V5.11 (build 5.11.175 or lower)8.1.2020More information
PCT (PCT/RO/101 update October 2019) update 2 January 2020 available for (OLF) V5.11 (build or lower)2.1.2020More information
PCT (PCT/RO/101 update July 2019) update 10 October 2019 available for (OLF) V5.11 (build or lower)10.10.2019More information
EP (Iceland) and cryptovision update August 2019 available for (OLF) V5.11 (build or lower)22.8.2019More information
EP (North Macedonia) and PCT-DEMAND update 1 July 2019 available for (OLF) V5.11 (build or lower)26.6.2019More information
Correction patch OLF Client V5.11 EP April 2019 (sequence listings) update available for (OLF) V5.11 (build or lower)28.5.2019More information
PCT (PCT/RO/101 update April 2019) update 23 May 2019 available for (OLF) V5.11 (build or lower)23.5.2019More information
OLF Client V5.11 EP April 2019 (error resolution) update available for (OLF) V5.11 (build or lower)26.4.2019More information
Correction patch (national office procedures: AT, BE, DE, DK, FI, GB) for SP11 available for (OLF) V5.11 (build or higher)12.4.2019More information
Correction patch (national office procedures: IS, LT, NL, PL, RO, SE, SK) for SP11 available for (OLF) V5.11 (build or higher)11.4.2019More information
PCT (PCT/RO/101 update January 2019) update 20 March 2019 available for (OLF) V5.11 (build or lower)20.3.2019More information
5.11 Full package for installation of Online Filing (OLF) V5.11 (Build (stand-alone and/or server and thin client) (incorporates updates up to 1 January 2019)28.2.2019More information
PCT (PCT/RO/101 update October 2018 and January 2019 fees) update 19 December 2018 available for (OLF) V5.10 (build or lower)19.12.2018More information
Replacement patch (back up, live update) for EP available for (OLF) V5.10 (build or lower)20.11.2018More information
PCT (fees) update 11 September 2018 available for (OLF) V5.10 (build 5.10.170 or lower)11.9.2018More information
PCT (CS&E, fees) update 26 June 2018 available for (OLF) V5.10 (build 5.10.169 or lower)26.6.2018More information
Correction patch (EPO Form 1200E) for EP available for (OLF) V5.10 (build or lower)14.6.2018More information
Correction patch for PCT/RO/101 (Live Update) for PCT RO101 available for (OLF) V5.10 (build or higher)4.5.2018More information
PCT (PCT/RO/101 updates of 2017 and January 2018, EPO fees April 2018) update 11 April 2018 available for (OLF) V5.10 (build or higher)11.4.2018More information
EP (Fees, priority documents) update 28 March 2018 available for (OLF) V5.10 (build 5.10.167 or lower)29.3.2018More information
EP (Cambodia) update 1 March 2018 available for (OLF) V5.10 (build 5.10.167 or lower)1.3.2018More information
PCT (fee update) update 1 January 2018 available for (OLF) V5.10 (Build or higher)3.1.2018More information
EP December 2017 (Tunisia, credit cards, early entries, minor functional changes) update 1 December 2017 available for (OLF) V5.10 (build 5.10.167 or higher, incorporates updates up to 21 August 2017)4.12.2017More Information
EP (certificate) update of 21 August 2017 We urge users to install the update to be able to continue to file. Users who followed the instructions issued on 17 August need take no further action.21.8.2017More Information
EP (informal comments, minor functional changes) update 25 July 2017 available for (OLF) V5.10 (build or higher)25.7.2017More Information
EP (Procedural language, minor functional changes) update 1 April 2017 available for (OLF) V5.10 (build or higher)3.4.2017More Information
5.10 Full package for installation of Online Filing (OLF) V5.10 (Build (stand-alone and/or server and thin client) (incorporates updates up to 1 January 2017)31.1.2017More information
PCT (fee update) update 1 January 2017 available for (OLF) V5.10 (build 5.10.161 or higher)16.12.2016More information
PCT (PCT-RO101 update) update 1 December 2016 available for (OLF) PCT/RO/101 (build 250)1.12.2016More information
Correction patch (authorised persons) for EP and PCT RO101 available for (OLF) V5.10 (build 
EP SP10 (PACE, PCT-SFD, minor functional changes) update 1 November 2016 available for (OLF) V5.09 (build or higher, incorporates updates up to 14 July 2016)28.10.2016More information
5.07 Updated full package for installation of Online Filing (OLF) V5 (Build (stand-alone and/or server and thin client) (incorporates updates up to 1 August 2014)25.11.2014More information
Update containing changes to the PCT-DEMAND plug-in (to enable submissions to the EPO), corrections to the PCT-SFD plug-in, as well as some minor technical modifications and improvements, available for (OLF) V5.07 (build information
PCT-SFD plug-in − update for enabling submissions to the EPO (and Lithuanian Patent Office), and the filing of additional document types and various corrections, available for (OLF) V5.07 (build 
EP (fees and new features with respect to legal changes) and PCT (fees) update 1 April 2014 available for (OLF) V5.06 (build information
EP (fees only) and PCT (fees) update 1 April 2014 available for older supported versions of Online Filing V5 (build up to build

Please note: The new fees of 1 April 2014 can only be applied to newly created drafts, filings and templates.
20.3.2014More information
EP (SEPA bank accounts) and PCT (fees) update of 17 December 2013 available for all supported Online Filing software V5 versions (build or later).17.12.2013More information
Update containing changes to the PCT-DEMAND plug-in (to enable submissions to the EPO), corrections to the PCT-SFD plug-in, as well as some minor technical modifications and improvements, available for (OLF) V5.07 (build information
PCT-SFD plug-in − update for enabling submissions to the EPO (and Lithuanian Patent Office), and the filing of additional document types and various corrections, available for (OLF) V5.07 (build 
EP (fees and new features with respect to legal changes) and PCT (fees) update 1 April 2014 available for (OLF) V5.06 (build information
EP (fees only) and PCT (fees) update 1 April 2014 available for older supported versions of Online Filing V5 (build up to build

Please note: The new fees of 1 April 2014 can only be applied to newly created drafts, filings and templates.
20.3.2014More information
EP (SEPA bank accounts) and PCT (fees) update of 17 December 2013 available for all supported Online Filing software V5 versions (build or later).17.12.2013More information
5.06 Full package for installation of Online Filing (OLF) V5 (Build (stand-alone and/or server and thin client) (incorporates updates up to 1 November 2013) 17.12.2013More information
EP (certificate) update of 14 October 201314.10.2013More information
Patch for correcting the PCT/RO/101, applicable to Online Filing 5.0.6 update (Build of 26 September 2013. Users are requested to apply the patch, especially to re-enabling the PCT plug-in to apply the correct page numbering, as formal deficiencies may otherwise occur.04.10.2013 
EP (new features and minor functional changes) and PCT (build 236 PCTSAFE, 1/7/2013) update 26 September 2013 available for (OLF) V5.05 (build or higher)26.9.2013More information
PCT update of 23 May 2013 available for OLF V5.05 (build It corresponds to PCT-SAFE build 235 of 1 April 2013.23.5.2013More information
EP (certificates) and PCT (fees) update of 17 December 2012 available for (OLF) V5.05 (build

More information
5.05 Full package for installation of Online Filing (OLF) V5 (Build (stand-alone and/or server and thin client) (incorporates updates up to 14 December 2012) 17.12.2012

More information
PCT update (America Invents Act (build 232 PCT-SAFE, 1/10/2012) and fees) of 16 November 2012 available for (OLF) V5.05 (build

Before you install the update we recommend that you submit any PCT/RO/101 drafts you have already prepared.
More information
EP (new features and minor functional changes) and PCT (build 231 PCTSAFE, 1/7/2012) update 2 October 2012 available for (OLF) V5.04 (build or higher)12-10-2012
More information
Patch for Form Euro-PCT(1200E2K) after the 1 April 2012 fee schedule update available for (OLF) V5.04 (Build
This update corrects the amount of the "additional filing fee for the 36th and each subsequent page - entry into EP phase (Fee Code 520)" in the Table for section 6 of Form 1200.3 of the EPF1200.PDF document
Patch for Form Euro-PCT(1200E2K) after the 1 April 2012 fee schedule available for (OLF) V5 Service Pack 2 (Build or lower
This update corrects the amount of the "additional filing fee for the 36th and each subsequent page - entry into EP phase (Fee Code 520)" in the Table for section 6 of Form 1200.3 of the EPF1200.PDF document
EP (fees, Rule 71 EPC) and PCT (fees) update 1 April 2012 available for (OLF) V5 Service Pack 3 (Build or higher29-03-2012
More information
EP (fees only) and PCT (fees only) update 1 April 2012 available for (OLF) V5 Service Pack 2 (Build or lower

Please note: The new fees of 1 April 2012 can only be applied to newly created drafts, filings and templates.
More information
5.0.4 Full package for installation of Online Filing (OLF) V5 (Build (stand-alone and/or server and thin client) (incorporates updates up to 6 February 2012 and the patch for signing procedure, all non EP Forms, applicable to Online Filing 5.0.4 update)02-03-2012
More information
Patch for signing procedure, all non EP Forms, applicable to Online Filing 5.0.4 update (Build of 16 January 2012

Users are advised to apply the patch, re-enabling the parameter "Employee name" during the signing procedure, as formal deficiencies may otherwise occur.
5.0.4 update 16 January 2012 for Online Filing (OLF) V5 (Release 5.00 (Build 
PCT update (new fees as of 1 January 2012, updated certificates required to file to IB, Norway added as of 2 January 2012) for Online Filing (OLF) V520-12-2011 
PCT update (new fees) 1 October and 1 November 2011 for Online Filing (OLF) V504-10-2011 
PCT update (new fees) 1 September 2011 for Online Filing (OLF) V5 (not required if V5SP3.1 is installed)27-07-2011 
Patch for UK Forms (Customer Id correction), recommended update on Online Filing V5 Service Pack 3 (Build, SP3)08-08-2011 
Full package for installation of Online Filing (OLF) V5 (Build, SP3.1) (stand-alone and/or server and thin client) (incorporates all updates up to 8 August 2011)08-08-2011 
V3.20 (build 189e) - EPC 200006-12-2007

New forms conforming to the EPC 2000 rule changes:

  • EP(1001E2K)
  • Euro-PCT(1200E2K)
  • updated form EP(1038E), now also including UPP
PCT update (new fees)
V3.20 (builds 184e and 186e)
V3.0SP1 (builds 153e and 176e)

Reduction of fees due to a change in the exchange rate between CHF and EUR. Includes new, adapted fees in EUR for all receiving offices.
The following fees are affected:

  • International filing fee
  • Late payment fee (related to international filing fee)
  • PCT page fee in excess of 30
  • PCT - PDF reduction
  • PCT - XML reduction
Client build 184e10-07-2007Security patch for Online Filing V3.20
V3.20 PCT Update 2 (Build 193e of PCT-SAFE)10-07-2007Includes and replaces PCT Update 1 (14-05-2007)
Build 193 of PCT-SAFE, including changes from 1 April 2007:
Improved checking for PDF compliancy on font embedding
Malta added as a new EPC contracting state
New name of UK Patent Office (now know as UK Intellectual Property Office)
Installation issue with FR Requête and DE2007 solved.

Includes PCT-SAFE 25 May patch for version
Request form line spacing has been corrected.
Character sets have been modified to improve Eastern European character display in the request.
File formats for sequence listings and tables in e-filing with RO/SE have been modified.

Update of V3.20, including security update.
Latvia back on the list of designated states (EP forms).
eOLF v3.20 (3.80_1.184e)10-07-2007Server Manager tool
Dutch national plug-in and French subsequently filed documents plug-in
New Live Update system
Smart card checker tool
Updated PCT plug-in in 186e
Improved PDF rendering of PatXML applications when filing PCT/RO/101 with the EPO
Option to switch from CORBA to SOAP
Please apply V3.20 PCT Update2 (10.07.2007) immediately after installation.
eOLF v2.10SP502-05-2006New certificates (required in order to be able to file to the new server)
Updated PCT plug-in
Fee schedule as valid as of 01.04.06
Updated URL for the DPMA server
eOLF v3.0SP1 (Release 3.70_1.153)02-05-2006Updated PCT plug-in
Fee schedule as valid as of 01.04.06
Updated URL for the DPMA server
A number of updates for the national plug-ins
eOLF v3.0 (Release 3.60_1.141)21-11-2005New user-friendly interface
New workflow system
New GUI generated by a specification in XML which will enable easy creation of future plug-ins
Ability to run in stand-alone or network mode, depending on installation
Network server module now runs as NT services
eOLF v2.10SP420-04-2005URLs restored for EPO Form 1001E for the following countries: Sweden, Denmark, Slovak Republic, Poland, Romania, Czech Republic, Austria
EP fee updates of 01.04.2005 and 01.07.2005 added
PCT URLs added for NL office and NL fees
Latvia added to list of designation states with effect from 01.07.2005
FI new ISA as of 01.04.2005
Double sending error fixed for the following condition: when a digitally signed submission is successfully transmitted and this is followed by a submission which has been signed alphabetically only, the digitally signed submission is re-sent and the applicant receives the receipt of this submission again
eOLF v2.10SP304-04-2005Support for Acrobat Reader 7 (and older versions)
Please note: the Online Filing software only works with Acrobat Reader 7.0 if the latter is installed prior to installation of the 2.10SP3 service pack (older versions are still supported). Otherwise, opening the Adobe Reader 7.0 results in the error 'File does not start with "%PDF' and the File Manager error message 'Interface not available'.

Legal reminder in Form 1038E
A reminder has been added warning Form 1038E users (screen and output file) that opposition and appeal documents may not be filed online.

Registration number format
In anticipation of the EPO's new client data system, the format of the representative and applicant registration number data entry field has been extended to allow up to 9 digits.
eOLF v2.10SP206-12-2004opt-out option for extended European search report added, plus automatic selection of receiving office URL, attachment of digitally certified US priority documents, and updated Amyuni driver for the generation of PDF files
eOLF v2.10SP1 (patch 2)31-03-2004"New" PCT procedure included (build 162), maintenance data updated
eOLF v2.10SP1 (patch 1)20-02-2004"New" PCT procedure included (build 159), maintenance data updated
eOLF v2.10 updated version16-01-2004"New" PCT procedure included (build 155), bugs corrected
eOLF v2.1016-12-2003EP1038E form included, Live Update functionality included, network version available, bugs corrected