GB - Federated Register Service
GB Patent Register
- Coverage: European and national patents with effect in the UK; approximately 30 years of applications
- Updating frequency: Daily
- File inspection available: Yes
- URL to national patent register and file inspection (Ipsum):
- Deep linking to national patent register from FRS: Yes
Content provided via FRS
FRS data |
Data provided |
UK IPO - Content |
1 |
Status |
Yes |
Patent in force
2 |
Application No. |
Yes |
EP application, e.g. EP95250091.6 |
3 |
Publication No. |
Yes |
Granted EP patent, e.g. EP0678348 |
4 |
Proprietor |
Yes |
Current proprietor |
5 |
Invalidation date |
Yes |
When available |
6 |
Not in force since |
Yes |
When available |
7 |
Renewal fees last paid |
Yes |
8 |
Register last updated |
No |
9 |
No |
SPC Register is available separately ( and linked from IPSUM. |
General enquiries
Concept House
Cardiff Road
South Wales
NP10 8QQ
Phone: 0300 300 2000
Outside the UK: +44 (0)1633 814000
Fax: +44 (0)1633 817777
Phone: 0300 0200 015
Telephone lines open: Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm, excluding bank holidays.
Related links
On the Intellectual Property Office's website, links are also provided to the following:
Online Patents Journal (published weekly)
Availability of the GB service
Due to technical maintenance, the GB service is sometimes unavailable between 1.00 and 3.00 hrs (GMT). If you encounter any other data availability issues outside these hours, please contact the UK IPO's IT Helpdesk ( or user support team (