The EPO newsletter contains news and information on European patent law and procedure, patent...
EPO newsletter
Questions and answers
Searching for patents
Tick this option to receive news on the EPO's patent databases and search...
The EPO newsletter is issued once every two weeks, on Thursdays. Very occasionally, a special...
You can sign up for the newsletter by filling out a simple form. All you have to do is provide your...
Your name and contact details will be used in connection with the EPO newsletter only, and not for...
You can unsubscribe at any time by using the link provided in the footer of the newsletter. If you...
If you have trouble viewing the newsletter in your e-mail client, click on the "Visit the online...
The only difference is in the layout. The HTML version contains formatting and images that are not...
The EPO newsletter is sent out every two weeks, so it could be a little while before you receive...