Chapter XI – Representation
Rule 154191
Amendment of the list of professional representatives
(1)192 The entry of a professional representative shall be deleted from the list of professional representatives if he so requests or if, despite a reminder, he fails to pay the applicable annual subscription to the Institute within five months from either:
(a) 1 January for members on the list at that date; or
(b) the date of entry for members entered on the list after 1 January of the year for which the subscription is due.
(2) Without prejudice to any disciplinary measures taken under Article 134a, paragraph 1(c), the entry of a professional representative may be deleted ex officio only:
(a) in the event of his death or legal incapacity;
(b) where he is no longer a national of one of the Contracting States, unless he was granted an exemption under Article 134, paragraph 7(a);
(c) where he no longer has his place of business or employment within one of the Contracting States.
(3) Any person entered on the list of professional representatives under Article 134, paragraphs (2) or Article 134, paragraphs (3), whose entry has been deleted shall, upon request, be re-entered on that list if the conditions for deletion no longer exist.
191See decision of the President of the EPO of 21.11.2013 concerning the responsibilities of the Legal Division (OJ EPO 2013, 600) and notice from the EPO of 12.05.2015 concerning representation before the EPO (OJ EPO 2015, A55).
192Amended by decision of the Administrative Council CA/D 6/18 of 28.06.2018 (OJ EPO 2018, A57), which entered into force on 01.01.2019.
13.12.2007 - 31.12.2018Decision of the Administrative Council of 07.12.2006 (CA/D 10/06), (OJ EPO 2007, 8 and Special edition 1/2007)01.01.2019 -CA/D 6/18 (OJ EPO 2018, A57)
EPC EPC 1973 R. 154 R. 102