4. Request for grant
4.1 General remarks
The request for grant must be made on the appropriate EPO form (EPO Form 1001), even though the request (the indication that a patent is sought, referred to in A‑II, 4.1(i)) need initially be in no particular form. The latest version of EPO Form 1001 can be accessed in EPO Online Filing and Online Filing 2.0 the EPO's online filing tools or downloaded from the EPO website (epo.org) (see A‑II, 1.2.2 A‑II, 1.1.1).
For filing with EPO Online Filing, applicants should always use the latest version of the EPO Online Filing software (see A‑II, 1.1.1(i) A‑II, 1.2.2 (i)) or and, for paper filings and filings made with the EPO web-form filing service and the EPO Contingency Upload Service, the latest version of the form.