​​New dashboard offers users latest insights into continuous streamlining of European patent system​

​​The European Patent Office (EPO) has launched a dashboard that maps the state of play regarding implementation of the six common practices agreed upon to date in the Convergence of practice programme. Information on national administrative practices is also included.​ 

View of the Convergence dashboard sub-page on the common practice regarding the ”designation of inventor” 

This week, the EPO launched a dashboard providing information on the current state of implementation of the common practices developed under the Convergence of practice programme. The dashboard helps users gain a comprehensive overview of how they can benefit from the convergence achieved to date, including through more streamlined and cost-efficient proceedings. 

The Convergence of practice programme strives for widespread adoption of common practices in a chosen field, across national IP offices. This improves predictability and legal certainty throughout the European patent system. The EPO encourages systematic sharing of information on the status of implementation of the adopted practices, with the aim of promoting transparency for all users. 

Six common practices in areas chosen jointly by the EPO, national offices and users have already been adopted, each of which is described in detail in the documents linked to below, along with the dashboard itself and further details about the Convergence of practice programme.