Patent Knowledge Snippets

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Patent Knowledge Week 2023 – videos and presentations are now available 

Another successful Patent Knowledge Week took place online from 28 to 30 November 2023. On the first day, over 4 800 people from 92 countries accessed the event on various platforms.  

Designed for an audience ranging from patent information specialists to newcomers, the free event aims to help innovation professionals gain insight into how patent intelligence can be most effectively used to accelerate business, research and patenting strategies. 

In his welcome address, EPO President António Campinos highlighted the importance of strong patent knowledge, stating: "Having a deep understanding of patents, and patent data, is crucial for making well-informed decisions – decisions that move your goals forward. We want to empower you, our users, to not only access and navigate patent data but to understand that data too, so you can act on that information." 

The three days included a comprehensive programme covering topics such as patent intelligence, artificial intelligence, patent data, the Unitary Patent, SMEs and startups as well as knowledge transfer and sustainability. It was accompanied by two lively panel discussions – Focus on AI and The future of patent information – and a variety of learning opportunities during the afternoon labs. 

The video recordings and presentations delivered during the event are now available on the Patent Knowledge Week event page. 

Keywords: Patent Knowledge Week 

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