When seeking patent protection in one or more EPO member states, you can choose either to follow the...
The procedure
Questions and answers
Requests for the grant of a European patent must be filed on the form prescribed by the European...
Yes. If you or your predecessor in title have filed an application for either a patent or the...
Applicants who do not have their residence or principal place of business in an EPC contracting...
As a rule, professional representatives, legal practitioners and associations do not need to file an...
The authorisation must be signed by the applicant or, in the case of a sub-authorisation, by the...
The European patent grant procedure takes about three to five years from the date your application...
The maximum term of a European patent is 20 years from its filing date. The patent may lapse earlier...
Yes, in two ways:
In proceedings before the European Patent Office, following publication of...