Recently published decisions 2023
All board of appeal decisions released for publication in the last three months are shown in the list below (newest first). The website checks for new decisions daily and updates the list accordingly. For full lists per year, please access the subpages.
December 2023
Amendments - allowable (yes)
Sufficiency of disclosure (yes)
Claims - previous clarity objections overcome (yes)
Remittal (yes)
Decision in written proceedings
Hauptantrag - Änderungen - Disclaimer (ja) - offenbarter Disclaimer (nein) - nicht offenbarter Diclaimer (ja) - zulässig (nein)
Hauptantrag - Änderungen - Erweiterung über den inhalt der ursprünglich eingereichten Anmeldung hinaus (ja)
Hilfsantrag - Änderungen zulässig (ja) - Beschreibung angepasst (nein) - Zurückverweisung zur weiteren Entscheidung (ja)
Neuheit - (ja)
Erfinderische Tätigkeit - (nein)
Änderung nach Ladung - außergewöhnliche Umstände (nein)
Inventive step - (yes)
Claims - clarity after amendment (yes)
Änderung des Beschwerdevorbringens - Änderung räumt aufgeworfene Fragen aus (nein)
Änderung des Beschwerdevorbringens - Änderung gibt Anlass zu neuen Einwänden (ja)
Änderung des Beschwerdevorbringens - zugelassen (nein)
Grounds for opposition - lack of clarity no ground for opposition
Grounds for opposition - insufficiency of disclosure (no)
Grounds for opposition - subject-matter extends beyond content of earlier application (no)
Novelty - main request (no)
Inventive step - auxiliary request 6 (yes)
Claims - clarity after amendment (yes)
Amendments - allowable (yes)
Amendments - intermediate generalisation
Amendment to case - admissibly raised and maintained (yes)
Inventive step - inappropriate notorious features
Inventive step - no admitted prior art under the EPC
Inventive step - claim requires an additional search to obtain the appropriate prior art
Appeal decision - remittal to the department of first instance (yes)
Decision T 1194/97 established at point 3.3 of the reasons that data was functional if its loss impaired the technical operation of a system in which it was used.
...It is self-evident that if a piece, either technical or non-technical, of any invention is taken out, it would not work as designed. In the Board's view, what T 1194/97 is saying is rather that the loss of functional data would make the system inoperable at the technical level. In contrast, if cognitive data is lost, the system would still work but possibly produce results that would be unintended for non-technical reasons.
(See point 3.8 of the reasons)
Inventive step - delaying the delivery of rain-sensitive parcels until it stops raining (no
Inventive step - not technical)
Basis of decision - text or agreement to text withdrawn by patent proprietor
Basis of decision - patent revoked