3.2 The procedure before the EPO as ISA
3.2.8.When will the EPO as ISA take earlier search and classification results into account?
3.2.025For international applications filed on or after 1 July 2017, in carrying out the international search the EPO as ISA may take earlier search results into account where the applicant makes a request to that effect under Rule 4.12 PCT as well as in the cases envisaged under Rule 41.2 PCT. This means that the EPO as ISA will also be able to take earlier search and classification results into account where the international application claims the priority of one or more earlier applications in respect of which an earlier search has been carried out by the EPO, or where the RO has transmitted to it a copy of the results of any earlier search or of any earlier classification under Rule 23bis.2(a) PCT or Rule 23bis.2(c) PCT, or where such a copy is available to it in a form and manner acceptable to it.
R. 23bis.2, 41.2 PCT
PCT Newsletter 1/2018, 9
PCT Newsletter 2/2018, 11