User consultation on the implementation of oral proceedings by videoconference (VICO) before the Boards of Appeal

Article 15a of the Rules of Procedure of the Boards of Appeal entered into force on 1 April 2020. During the enactment process of this provision, the Boards of Appeal Committee ("BOAC") expressed its intention to evaluate the experience gained from the use of videoconferencing in oral proceedings before the Boards of Appeal. To enable this evaluation, a user consultation is now conducted. 

The BOAC and the President of the Boards of Appeal invite users to take part in the consultation regarding the technical implementation of oral proceedings by VICO before the Boards of Appeal. 

This online consultation will remain open until 12.00 hrs CET on 31 March 2023.

 Thank you very much for your participation. 

Jorma Hanski
Chairperson of the BOAC

Carl Josefsson
President of the Boards of Appeal

Further information:

Online consultation