What are purchase order numbers (PO) and funds reservation numbers (FR) and where can I find them?

Under the EPO's purchasing procedures we can only pay supplier invoices/credit notes which contain a valid reference number issued by the EPO ordering department. The types of reference number and their format are shown below.

Purchase order (PO) number


Funds reservation (FR) number


All PO numbers have 6 digits. All FR numbers have 12 digits. Please put a dash prior to the last two digits of the number, as indicated in the box above. 

If you do not have a purchase order (PO) or funds reservation (FR) number, please contact the responsible person who sent you the order for the goods/services. 

You can find the PO number: 

  • in the Purchase Order form on the top right of each page; 
  • in Ivalua, the EPO Procurement portal, by clicking on the “Orders” tab.