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Survey on electronic invoicing

On 30 June 2022, the EPO will send an email to its suppliers inviting them to take part in an e‑invoicing survey. We would like to know if you are already able to issue electronic invoices or if you plan to do so in the near future, and which e-invoice formats you are using.

Your feedback is vital as it will help us deploy the services and tools we need to process your invoices in the most timely and efficient way possible. Many thanks for taking part.

The survey is being carried out by the EPO.

The EPO has issued an invitation via email to its suppliers, where the a link to the survey is provided. The sender email address is: "EPO Treasury and Accounting <finance@newepoonline.nw007.com>; on behalf of; EPO Treasury and Accounting <finance@epo.org>"

The EPO is committed to protecting your privacy and personal data. We will process all data from the survey in accordance with our Data Protection Guidelines, which aim to ensure best practice when handling users' personal data.

This is a one-off survey and the results will be used only internally by the EPO and will not be disclosed to the public. 

For more information, please write to support@epo.org