Mitteilungen der Beschwerdekammern des Europäischen Patentamts
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Technical Board of Appeal 3.2.01 has by interlocutory decision T 439/22 referred questions to the Enlarged Board of Appeal.
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The Annual Report 2023 of the Boards of Appeal of the European Patent Office was published today.
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Beschleunigung von Beschwerdeverfahren gem. Art. 10 (3) bis (6) der Verfahrensordnung der Beschwerdekammern: Voraussetzungen und weitere Informationen
The Administrative Council approved amendments to Articles 13(2), 15(1) and 15(9)(b) of the Rules of Procedure of the Boards of Appeal (RPBA).
The President of the Boards of Appeal publishes, before the beginning of each working year, a list of cases for the coming year.
The EPO is competent to assess priority entitlement, which is presumed to exist if the formal requirements for claiming priority are fulfilled.
Technical Board of Appeal 3.3.03 has by interlocutory decision T 438/19 referred questions to the Enlarged Board of Appeal.